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What is the Role of the Mind in Golf?

First: To Train the Body 

It’s like walking; to begin with you couldn’t do it. But through trial and error, the help others and persistence – you learned how to walk – and now you can walk without thinking, instruction or conscious control. The swing is more complex, but it’s the same process.

You consciously study the mechanics of swing, through analysis you gain understanding and through repetition you consciously learn the skills and teach the body how to swing. In essence you create a subconscious programme that enables you to swing without instruction or conscious control.

Coming back to walking, you never question your ability to walk or attempt to instruct yourself, you instinctively trust your ability to do it – and all you have to do is decide where you want to go and body makes it happen for you. It’s the same with the swing.

Next: To Train the Brain

Once you’ve learned how to swing and created the subconscious programme. The next step is to train the mind TO TRUST THE SWING.

By taking control of your thoughts and your thinking you’re able to create the environment within the body that allows your swing to be free, natural and fluid.

In essence you train your mind to show the body the outcome/shot you require – in all its glorious detail – then you get out of your own way. Like walking, just think where you want to go and the body makes it happen for you – no instructions required.

QLG: Change your Thinking – Transform your Game!

To give you a flavour: we had one gentleman golfer averaging scores of low/mid 90’s off the shorter tees. Since joining the Programme he’s recorded a best round of 79, he’s now also playing off the long tees. So he’s gained 10+ shots over longer and more demanding conditions – and the punch line is – he’s 70 years old.

To really transform your game and experience a Quantum Leap you have to open your mind to new possibilities and leave your old ways behind you. It’s all about creating a new state of being, with a totally new energy and vitality – and you do that by changing your thinking.

Quantum Leap Golf

Master your Mind and Experience a Quantum Leap in Performance

Quantum Leap: a sudden dramatic improvement, rapid forward advancement and breakthrough in knowledge

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