Ultra-Performers – The Next Level and beyond
QLG is based on a different (more complete) understanding of the way we work as humans. And it’s an understanding that is a game changer when applied to golf, or anything else.
Buried in the exceptional cases is a more powerful understanding of the true nature of life.
Ultra-performance is often dismissed as an anomaly, an exception to the rules. But in my view ultra-level performance should not be seen as the end point of our limits. It is just the beginning of our true potential and the start point from which the future will be written.
You have to train, prepare and learn the physical skills, but performance is all in the mind. My expertise is helping you to find yours and bring it out.
Please enjoy my collection of Ultra-Performers.
Mr Yiannis Kouros – Ultra-Performer
Yiannis Kouros is possibly the most accomplished man that you’ve never heard of.
During the course of his career he set more than 160 world records, all of which remain unbroken to this day. And at the age of 51 when most people expect their bodies to be slowing down Kouros beat his own world record, set 20 years previous.
In the Melbourne to Sydney Ultra-Marathon (543.7 miles), considered among the world’s most gruelling events, Kouros gave the field a 12 hour head start. But still he caught, passed and beat men half his age, leaving them to suffer and wonder in his wake.
The “Running God”, “unstoppable”, “master of pain” teaches us many lessons: to fight until the end, to be winners in life, to overcome unpleasant circumstances and sometimes even our own self, in order to find and explore our real capabilities.
How does he do it?
In the words of the “Running God” – “use your brains more and train less” – Kouros goes on to say, “When I run I feel the Ancients are running with me, inspiring me, encouraging me…my Ancestors, the stars of Greek history, I feel them inside me, they the live in me.”
Buried inside that short paragraph are many hidden clues to the secret of ultra-performance. And that is what interests me most. To know how it works, so that I can replicate it and help golfers to access and harness the same kind of ultra-performance capability.
That is The Mission of Quantum Leap Golf.
To learn more please watch and enjoy the of the story of “The Running God”.
More Ultra-Performers coming soon
I continue to compile my own personal list of sports ultra-performers, there are even three golfers on the list.
There is so much we can learn from this super-accomplished people, lessons we can apply to further our own goals of becoming ultra-performing .
More Ultras coming soon.